Period of a Pendulum
1st complete elliptic integral P e r i o d o f t h e p e n d u l u m 1 T 4 l g 0. The period of swing of a simple gravity pendulum depends on its length the local strength of gravity and to a small extent on the maximum angle that the pendulum swings away from vertical θ0 called the amplitude. Mechanical Engineering Calculators Physics Formulas Physics Lessons Mechanical Engineering P 2π L g. . Period of a Pendulum. The period of a pendulum is defined as the time taken to complete a cycle swing. This is because the period of a pendulum is only affected by the length of the string and the acceleration due to gravity. The period of a pendulum is the time it takes. It is independent of the mass of the bob. Each group needs a stop. If the amplitude is limited to small swings the period T of a simple pendulum the time taken for a complete cycle is. 35 Pendulum period 72 2009-02-10 194005 UTC rev 4d4a39156f1e Ev...